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365 results found

  1. 118 votes

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  2. Add the capability to make a note in panel schedules for special circuit breakers - HACR, SWD, etc.

    Would make sense to add a note field in the equipment connection creation form or in the circuiting form to tag individual breakers with specific requirements, possibly with a superscript which refers to a box of notes attached to the bottom of the schedule.

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  3. Annotation Scaling / Multiple Scales on a Single Drawing

    Add support for annotative scale factors for blocks and text. This would allow blocks and text to be the same size in different scaled viewports.

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  4. Upsize Wires Based upon Voltage Drop

    Automatically upsize branch circuit wires when necessary because of voltage drop.

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  5. Subfeed breakers

    Add specific support for subfeed breakers.

    Be able to set the number of subfeed breakers on a panel (similar to how the number of poles is currently set on a panel).

    Have the panel schedule update to document which breakers are subfeed. We likely would add a separator block between the branch circuit and subfeed breakers that you could customize. The default block would have a line across the schedule plus some text indicating branch circuit breakers above and subfeed below. You could then modify that as desired for your documentation purposes.

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  6. Electrical Symbol Legend

    Add a Schedule of all blocks used in the project. This could be used a Symbol Legend for the Project.

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  7. Fire Alarms

    Add better support for fire alarm system design.

    Various improvements related to this suggestion include:

    Add 12V, 14V, 16V, 18V and 24V DC device support for Fire Alarm Systems

    Change loads from KVA to mA or even VA. Two load types should be
    available, standby power and alarm power for each FA device.

    Add ability for wiring such as 24, 22, 18, 16, and 14 awg.

    Add ability to perform standby and alarm battery ampere-hour

    Display length, current, voltage, and voltage drop for each circuit.

    Have fire alarm panels with appropriate attributes, such as alarm time, standby time, battery…

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  8. VAV Box Schedule

    Create a schedule of VAV boxes, similar to the diffuser schedule.

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  9. Swap & Copy Circuits

    When copying circuits in the swap and copy dialog, multipole breakers do not copy to the new location as multipole breakers, they copy as single pole. It appears that you have to set the number of poles and their positions in the circuiting dialog before starting the copy/swap routine.

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  10. Add multiple circuits to a single piece of equipment (ie. HVAC) one for each load.

    Some HVAC and other pieces of equipment require multiple circuits for multiple loads inside each unit. Currently I have to create 2 pieces of equipment with the individual loads, overlay them, then circuit them.

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  11. Generic Schedule Creator

    Have a way to create a generic schedule. The schedule will be informational purposes only, but it will be generated the same way as the other DM schedules so it will look the same.

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  12. Export Equipment List to Excel

    Export a list of equipment connections and information to a file that can be opened and viewed in Excel. The file would be for post-processing only. Any changes to the equipment would still be made using the other DM commands.

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  13. Set Room Exhaust Rate

    Specify the exhaust air requirements for rooms and use these numbers in the load calculations and duct design calculations.

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  14. Insert Load Calculation Output on Drawing

    Insert the load calculation schedules on the drawing.

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  15. Add the ability to create plan notes

    If you could add the ability to create plan or keynotes to all devices and fixtures, you could eliminate some of the notes that occupy space beside them. Typically a hex box, circle would have the keynote number in it, which would refer you to a common list of notes on the edge of the space. Keeping them tied to the respective annotation layers may help keep them sortable by the entities on that sheet.

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  16. Draw Circuit Loops Using Polylines instead of Arcs

    When you loop from one device to another, be able to select that loop and break it in to two loops that can each individually be moved or broke. This way we can have "S" loops.

    DM Note: When we implement this, it will probably be by allowing you to insert a loop using a pline. This will allow you to insert the loop however you want without any restrictions.

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  17. Make the note fields for panels and switchboard larger and editable

    We need the note fields for Panels and Switchboards to be larger and editable like the Description, Model, and Note fields in the Light Fixture Project Schedule.

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  18. 18 votes

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  19. Add a "match circuit" command.

    Make the "Select Circuit from Drawing <" button a command that can be typed into the command line. After this command has been run, do not show the Circuiting window, instead go immediately to "Circuit Devices <". The user can then continue to circuit additional devices to the circuit they selected. A double right click would bring up the Circuiting window or the user could escape out of the command without showing the window.

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  20. Light Fixture Settings - Different Blocks

    The ability to define an egress fixture as the same fixture/block as the normal fixtures, with an option to turn a hatch on/off to differentiate. Similar to in Revit, where you can set an instance parameter and check it to turn fixtures into the egress blocks. The fixture type stays the same, only the visible block changes.

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