Design Master Wish List
Welcome to the Design Master Wish List, where you can submit your ideas for improvements to the software.
198 results found
Printable switch group loads
When creating switch groups the only way to see the loads is to check each individual switch. It would be very useful to be able to print this in a table for easier reference rather than checking each individual switch.
5 votes -
Light Level Report - Totals
Have the option to remove the 'Totals' from the bottom of the Light Level Report - we sometimes use this for showing our light levels comply with hotel brand light level criteria and the 'totals' at the bottom is unnecessary and inaccurate as we don't always include all spaces.
1 vote -
Easily Remove / Add Lighting Callouts
Though there are the project settings, it would be ideal to simplify being able to add or remove lighting callouts without the risk of having them reappear after coordinating the database. For example, when fixtures are close together, being able to remove the other callouts and add (typ) to the one showing would help declutter drawings.
1 vote -
Solar as option for Light fixture Volts
With solar being an option for more exterior light fixtures this option in the 'volts' section would be nice.
3 votes -
Set separate scale for photometric caclulations
For site photometrics, some jurisdictions require certain spacing but also a drawing scale that is to large to accommodate the calc points and they end up overlapping. It would be convenient to set the photometric points to be 1/2 or 3/4 the scale of the rest of the text.
2 votes -
Building and Rooms - Fixture type and Quantity
Have column(s) for light fixture type and quantity per room number. This will help in filling out some energy code forms that require quantities of specific fixtures per space.
2 votes -
Support UCS coordinate systems for Labels
On large campus jobs the ability to support UCSs is needed. Autodesk Parallels like Plant3D do not allow for backgrounds to have different rotations. Common coordinate system must be used.
Seems like an easy tweak to the software as the North Arrow frameworks you already have built should be able to support this.1 vote -
Ability to accurately model solar PV power systems. We use a lot of 3 phase inverters in our designs due to PV system size, but PV modules are 48V. Can model using a transformer, but can only model single phase inverters, since the 48V power selector is only available for single phase. Need an updated power selector for 48V 3 phase or a dedicated modeling method for 3 phase inverters.
3 votes -
Count up or down from starting circuit number.
About 3 out of 10 times when I get an as built of mine or someone else’s drawings, the EC flips the panel so that 42 is at the top left and 1 is at the bottom right. I understand from other EC that it is perfectly legal. But it drives me crazy as I have to export the drawing and then manually update the circuits numbers in the schedule. Hoping it never comes back again for another As-built update. Many years ago, you added the feature of letting us start on a different number. Would really be helpful to…
1 vote -
One-Line Distribution Equipment "Wrapping". For printability
Often times MCC's have so many loads on them that once they are generated as a One-Line, they are too long and can no longer be printed without truncating off most of the loads for printing.
The current recommended solution is to divide the loads into MCC sections and then to connect them as sub-feeds to the parent MCC. This solution is convoluted and not easily scalable. True support of this fundamental need is requested.
I request a dedicated wrapping functionality that allows the user to select where on distribution equipment the user would like for the distribution equipment to…
7 votes -
Improve Dynamic Load Calculations
Make several modifications to fine tune the dynamic load calculations at the bottom of a panel schedule.
- Add the units of 'KVA' to the 'TOTAL LOAD'
- Change the units of the BALANCED LOAD line from 'A' to 'AMPS'
- Place the units for those two lines in the same column as the demand percentages of the rows above to make more room for the TOTAL LOAD and BALANCED LOAD sums to display without wrapping the units to the next line.
- Change the lines under CONN KVA and CALC KVA to the SCHEDULE-MEDIUM layer instead of the SCHEDULE-HEAVY…2 votes -
Allow export to 64-bit Excel
The title says it all. Excel integration is currently not compatible with the 64-bit version of Excel.
1 vote -
Can make changes in Circuit Description
Change dash to a colon/semicolon to avoid confusion. Specially for a panel/s with two sections and dash is been use:, example panel N4 section 2 and a circuit -> N4-2-2,4,6 vs N4-2:2,4,6.
4 votes -
Printing One Line Blocks
Suggest new feature to print all one line diagram blocks (distribution, feeder, equipment, etc) used in a project's block schedule. Would be a great tool when setting up the master template.
1 vote -
multiple site alignment points
Support for multiple alignment points on a site plan for a campus with more than one building so each building can have its unique alignment point but the distance to a shared transformer can be easily maintained.
5 votes -
Save manual tick mark settings per user, not per project
Save the tick mark settings in the "Insert Tick Mark" command per user, not per project.
Currently the settings are saved per project. If multiple people are using the command in a project, their settings overwrite each other. If a single person goes to different projects, their settings are not remembered.
2 votes -
Panel Edit - AIC Rating to include Size Automatically Option
It would be nice to have Electrical DM Panel Edit to have an option for Fault Current - AIC Rating to include "Size Automatically" option, on top of the standard AIC ratings DM provides in the drop down option.
3 votesThis request wouldn't be hard, but it is one we've specifically avoided to this point. Our thinking is that the AIC rating of a panel is an important enough setting that we want it reviewed and set intentionally by the engineer.
Add capability to adjust Target Conduit fill at Panel Level and in options + Warning when exceeded
Sometimes I prefer to over-size conduit for various reasons. However, if this is done manually at the panel level and then the feeder / ampacity changes, its very easy to have a feeder that exceeds 40% fill. Proving an option to adjust the maximum fill from 40% would allow the user to over-size conduits without manually selecting a size.
Also, adding an alert that warns you when a feeder exceeds 40% (Similar to the panel threshold warning) would be a great add.
1 vote -
Ability to Adjust Distribution Equipment Schedule
Currently the "Print Distribution Equipment Schedule" does not allow the option to adjust the column widths. The default column widths are too small for the circuit number and breaker and too large for the description. As a result when the schedules are printed they are often illegible or too wide to fit in the sleeves that come standard in panels.
1 vote -
Blank and Spare circuit differentiation
It would be nice if the 'SPARE' circuit label default could automatically change to something else (such as 'BLANK' or 'SPACE' if a circuit is set to have no breaker. This would look like two default names for unused circuits: one for unused circuits with a breaker and another for unused circuits without a breaker.
4 votes
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