AdminDavid Robison
(President, Design Master Software)
My feedback
67 results found
3 votes
This feature would be implemented by updating the "Feeder Phase" command to allow you to select multiple feeders at once.
Workarounds #1 for feeders:
Use the "Feeder Phase" command. It will change all the segments of a feeder for you. It does still require you to run the command for each individual feeder.
Workaround #2 for feeders:
Use the Panel Edit command, Single-Line Diagram Graphics Settings button. Change the Upstream OCP Graphic / Type and Feeder ID Graphic / Type.
Do this setting before you insert the feeder and the whole thing will come in with the type you chose. It also will use that type if you redraw the feeder.
Do this setting after you insert the feeder and it will update just the OCP and ID segments. Use Revit to change the generic segments to the correct type. They will not change during the "Calculate" command.
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6 votes
We're halfway there on this feature. DM Electrical RT 2.1.2 added support for generating a one-line. We still need to add the ability to generate a riser to be able to mark this request complete.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment There are a few options that you currently have to accomplish moving stuff between projects:
1. You can copy-and-paste between the drawings.
2. You can make a copy of the entire original project and use that as the basis for your new project.
3. You can use the "Merge Project" command to copy a single drawing from the old project to the new one.
3 votes
This request wouldn't be hard, but it is one we've specifically avoided to this point. Our thinking is that the AIC rating of a panel is an important enough setting that we want it reviewed and set intentionally by the engineer.
An error occurred while saving the comment If you are changing lots of panels, make sure you are using the "Edit Multiple" commands. That should help streamline the process a little.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment The current workaround is to manually balance the panel using the "Move Circuit" command.
AdminDavid Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
1 vote
The solution in the current software is to circuit the device then use the “Modify Circuit Label” command to change the callout.
AdminDavid Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Currently DM does not do anything for the GEC. You have to size and label the GEC manually.
AdminDavid Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment We don't currently model them precisely, but we do have an option with a few choices for how taps on the transformers should be handled in the voltage drop calculation. See this page for details: Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment No progress. It will be a pretty big effort to implement and we haven't had a whole lot of interest in it. It is not currently included on our road map for the next two releases.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment We have features that address a lot of what is described here.
The callout format itself can be changed to include the neck size. can set the neck size to 0 in the schedule. Then it will be sized automatically based upon the airflow. You can lock the duct size if you want to force a specific neck size.
I think these two features that already exist will get you pretty close to what you are looking for.
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment It is currently possible to manually label your diffusers this way. The DM HVAC->Diffusers->Remove Callout command can be used to remove the unwanted callouts. Then you can add the TYP label using standard AutoCAD text.
93 votes
AdminDavid Robison (President, Design Master Software) supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Yes, setting the scale and storing it with the area, rather than using DIMSCALE, would be one way to implement this. That's likely what we will end up doing.
AdminDavid Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Including mechanical equipment in the takeoffs is a bit more work. It is already separated out as another wish list item. You can vote for it here: Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
6 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment This wish is specifically for adjusting the load that is used in the calculation.
Upsizing the wire based upon the calculated voltage drop is requested here (and is pretty popular): Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment We have the "Clear Loads" button in the "Set Fixed Loads" dialog box. It can be used to clear an individual circuit.
We have the "Copy Fixed Loads" button in the "Move Circuits" command. After you clear all the loads on one circuit, you can then copy that to other circuits.
Both of those are more work than what you are requesting, but those are the features that can best handle your request in the current software.
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Groups should be sorted alphabetically and the first in the list should be chosen as the default.
A workaround you can use immediately is to rename the group you want as the default so that it sorts to the top. You can add _ or a space before the group name to force it to be first.
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment The current workaround is to insert the device, insert the labels, and make the labels look correct on one. Then use the "Match Device Note Locations" command to make the labels on the other devices the same. See this link for more information on that command: this request, the labels would come in correct to start, rather than having to be adjusted after they are inserted.
AdminDavid Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment We have the three "Schedule Notes" for light fixtures. These are specifically included for scheduling anything that we don't have a field for. Assuming you are not using them all for something else, the immediate solution is to use one for your color temperature value. In the printed schedule, change the label of the column and you should be set.
2 votes
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment The workaround for this issue at the moment is to create an enclosed breaker or something similar and connect the equipment to that, then connect the breaker to the main panel. You still have to manually size the breaker and feeder, but the voltage drop calculations will be correct.
AdminDavid Robison (President, Design Master Software) shared this idea ·
Updated status and workaround suggestions based on Cody's comment.