Edit Multiple on "Feeder Phase" Command
I'd like to be able to modify the graphics of multiple single-line objects at the same time. The issue with the current set-up is when I'm modeling existing single-line diagrams, which is very often, for every feeder segment I have to individually select them, click Modify Graphic, and select the "Light Solid" option which we've made gray to use for existing. I have to repeat this for every existing feeder and breaker on the diagram. This is incredibly time consuming for large projects. Sometimes taking a whole day just to update the single-line graphics to show properly for existing vs new equipment.
I know I can select a different family in the properties menu for multiple at once, but if "Calculate Whole Project" is run, then it reverts the changes unless I do it through the Modify Graphic tool.

This feature would be implemented by updating the "Feeder Phase" command to allow you to select multiple feeders at once.
Workarounds #1 for feeders:
Use the "Feeder Phase" command. It will change all the segments of a feeder for you. It does still require you to run the command for each individual feeder.
Workaround #2 for feeders:
Use the Panel Edit command, Single-Line Diagram Graphics Settings button. Change the Upstream OCP Graphic / Type and Feeder ID Graphic / Type.
Do this setting before you insert the feeder and the whole thing will come in with the type you chose. It also will use that type if you redraw the feeder.
Do this setting after you insert the feeder and it will update just the OCP and ID segments. Use Revit to change the generic segments to the correct type. They will not change during the "Calculate" command.
For equipment:
We don't have a command for equipment. That should be a separate request if you want something for that.
Updated status and workaround suggestions based on Cody's comment.
Cody Richardson commented
Thanks David, that does save a few clicks, but even with Feeder Phase I have to do each Feeder one-at-a-time. I'd like a way to do this in bulk.