Reset panel "Fixed Loads".
Often, I need to "start over" on a panel that I've assigned fixed loads. It would be handy to have a button that would clear every fixed load on the panel. Or even be able to select several circuits and clear those circuit's fixed loads.

donw commented
Thanks David. I guess I never tried copying a fixed load to another circuit that already had a fixed load. Didn't know it would override the original fixed load.
We have the "Clear Loads" button in the "Set Fixed Loads" dialog box. It can be used to clear an individual circuit.
We have the "Copy Fixed Loads" button in the "Move Circuits" command. After you clear all the loads on one circuit, you can then copy that to other circuits.
Both of those are more work than what you are requesting, but those are the features that can best handle your request in the current software.