Make the note fields for panels and switchboard larger and editable
We need the note fields for Panels and Switchboards to be larger and editable like the Description, Model, and Note fields in the Light Fixture Project Schedule.

What Marc is asking for is different than what Bryant is asking for. This feature, if implemented, would be to make the notes fields for panels long, with an option for them to wrap when inserted in the schedule.
Being able to swap in different attributes based upon the device type would be something else and is unlikely to happen. The way to handle that now would be to create different headers for the different types of devices, with the correct attributes included.
Bryant commented
I hope Marc is suggesting that a few of the fields on the header needs to be selectable. That way on a disconnect switch I would select Frame size instead of seeing MLO which is very misleading. Or on a generator I could select KVA and KW. Or a transformer would have in and out voltage. Have a couple of selectable fields would help a lot instead of the same header for all devices and thus having to create different schedules for each type of occupancy and gear type.