Voltage Drop Based upon Connected or Other Load
Be able to specify that the voltage drop on a feeder should be based upon the connected or other load, rather than the calculated load.
One example of a use for this feature is a piece of equipment that serves a single motor. You want the voltage drop for the connected load of the motor, rather than the calculate load, which will be 125% of the motor load.

This wish is specifically for adjusting the load that is used in the calculation.
Upsizing the wire based upon the calculated voltage drop is requested here (and is pretty popular):
http://wishlist.designmaster.biz/forums/76977-design-master-wish-list/suggestions/1236415-upsize-wires-based-upon-voltage-drop -
chris partrich commented
Would also like to see the automatic upsizing of branch circuits be able to be based on voltage drop instead of distance (in options it is "upsize #12 to #10 option). If that is not possible then have two settings, one for 120V branch circuits and one for 277V branch circuits. Right now if we have this this option set to "yes" and a distance of 100' input the software does not distinguish between 120V and 277V circuits and unnecessarily upsizes the lighting circuits to #10.