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364 results found

  1. Breaker Using Twice as Many Spaces

    Many breaker panels of old and of new has the ability to put a single, two, or three pole breaker in that takes twice as many spaces as normal. Example is I have a panel I have to represent that has a 2 pole breaker that takes position 36-38 and 40-42. It also has a 3 pole breaker in it that take 24-26,28-30,32-34. I have no way of circuiting the device and still have it on phase A, B, and C.

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  2. Selective Coordination

    Comply with NEC Article 700 requirements for selective coordination of overcurrent protective devices in the supply side of emergency system.

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  3. 5 votes

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  4. More options for panel callouts, circuit labels, and homerun callouts

    Add the ability to specify a prefix or suffix for panel callouts when inserting them on the drawing. For example, be able to label them NEW PANEL 'LA' rather than simple LA.

    Also be able to replace the panel name with a different value in the circuit callout. This feature would be used when the panel name is very long.

    Also be able to leave the panel name off entirely and list just the circuit number in the homerun label. This feature would be used when there is only one panel in an area.

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  5. Photovoltaic Design

    Add features to support PV design, such as inverters, combiners, and a string calculator.

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  6. Update Pipe Breaks on Save or Open

    When inserting fittings or piping the software will go through a regeneration process after each item is inserted. When files are small this is not a big deal. On large projects there is a noticeable delay and the software zooms out to the extents and then back into the area you are working on. Rather than do this on every change, include an option to only do this when the drawing is saved (and possibly when the drawing is opened).

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  7. Printable switch group loads

    When creating switch groups the only way to see the loads is to check each individual switch. It would be very useful to be able to print this in a table for easier reference rather than checking each individual switch.

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  8. voltage drop

    Would like to have the ability at instance edit or circuit edit to be able to select load or 80% of breaker for the calculation in lieu of only having overall project level option.

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    0 comments  ·  ElectroBIM  ·  Admin →
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  9. Can make changes in Circuit Description

    Change dash to a colon/semicolon to avoid confusion. Specially for a panel/s with two sections and dash is been use:, example panel N4 section 2 and a circuit -> N4-2-2,4,6 vs N4-2:2,4,6.

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  10. multiple site alignment points

    Support for multiple alignment points on a site plan for a campus with more than one building so each building can have its unique alignment point but the distance to a shared transformer can be easily maintained.

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  11. Blank and Spare circuit differentiation

    It would be nice if the 'SPARE' circuit label default could automatically change to something else (such as 'BLANK' or 'SPACE' if a circuit is set to have no breaker. This would look like two default names for unused circuits: one for unused circuits with a breaker and another for unused circuits without a breaker.

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  12. Room Names in Circuit Description

    Provide an option for Room Names analogous to the "Conduit location" Option. Also consider other customization:

    -Custom Room prefix - e.g. RM
    -Option to include/exclude Name - e.g., RM 120
    -Option to include/exclude Number - e.g., RM FIRE RISER

    Room Names Location:
    ->Start of Circuit Description
    ->End of Circuit Description

    Currently the room names always go at the end, just like OOTB Revit. Having the option to put the room at the start would allow for better scheduling for when the intent is for circuits to be organized by room, like so:

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  13. A copy function for identical floor plans in multi-level buildings would be a time saving idea to speed up drawing.

    So that when I am working on a multilevel building all I would have to do is copy the floor plan from one identical level and placing it on the other matching levels then just rename the panels and circuit names, without duplicating the copied information on the original panels. Breaking its connection with the parent panel and giving a notification to reassign panel names.

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  14. Separate column in the feeder schedule for the service grounding electrode conductor.

    The service ground does not get installed in the conduit with the service entrance conductors, so why is it shown just like all the other feeders where the equipment grounding conductor is installed with the feeder conductors. If you want the feature to show the GEC size, show it in a different column and show the feeder with no ground listed with the feeder conductors so its clear it is not in the conduit.

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  15. Include "1" before single ground and neutral wires

    Add an option to include a "1" in the wire callout before single ground and neutral wires. Currently the wire size is listed with no count before it.

    Current wire callout:
    1/2"C, 1#12, #12N, #12G

    New wire callout:
    1/2"C, 1#12, 1#12N, 1#12G

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  16. add leaders to duct text

    Add leader for duct text like it does when you add a grille, diffuser, or light fixture

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  17. Default label locations in blocks

    Be able to specify locations for labels in blocks. When the labels are added to the block, they will be placed in the desired locations, rather than in the somewhat random default location they are currently placed in.

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  18. Homerun Note

    Be able to add a note to a homerun callout.

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  19. System capacity for mechanical equipment

    It would be great if when entering the equipment you could enter system capacity; then when running the load calc, similarly to what DM offers for CFM, you could have Current BTUs and Required BTUs. This could be per zone.

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  20. Homerun from non-circuited devices

    We'd like an option to manually homerun from devices that lack a circuit. For example, we frequently connect switched receptacles to relays controlled by occupancy sensors, so we'd like to show our homeruns to start at that relay as opposed to a receptacle. We also currently show lighting homeruns commencing at relays for the same reason.

    We'd still like to be able to select devices whose circuits we want to include in the homerun.

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