Design Master Wish List
Welcome to the Design Master Wish List, where you can submit your ideas for improvements to the software.
364 results found
Easily Remove / Add Lighting Callouts
Though there are the project settings, it would be ideal to simplify being able to add or remove lighting callouts without the risk of having them reappear after coordinating the database. For example, when fixtures are close together, being able to remove the other callouts and add (typ) to the one showing would help declutter drawings.
1 vote -
Implement an export operation of the "Wire Ampacities Table" to CSV or XLS file format. Re-import of the modified table would be great, too.
Add a button in DM Settings (similar to the Feeder Schedule 'Export to EVOLVE") which exports the Wire Ampacities Table to a format that allows offline editing, review or coordination with Estimators in a spreadsheet editor such as Excel. At a minimum, re-work of the table's UI to allow easier editing/customization and BACKUP of data would be greatly appreciated.
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Edit Multiple on "Feeder Phase" Command
I'd like to be able to modify the graphics of multiple single-line objects at the same time. The issue with the current set-up is when I'm modeling existing single-line diagrams, which is very often, for every feeder segment I have to individually select them, click Modify Graphic, and select the "Light Solid" option which we've made gray to use for existing. I have to repeat this for every existing feeder and breaker on the diagram. This is incredibly time consuming for large projects. Sometimes taking a whole day just to update the single-line graphics to show properly for existing vs…
3 votesThis feature would be implemented by updating the "Feeder Phase" command to allow you to select multiple feeders at once.
Workarounds #1 for feeders:
Use the "Feeder Phase" command. It will change all the segments of a feeder for you. It does still require you to run the command for each individual feeder.
Workaround #2 for feeders:
Use the Panel Edit command, Single-Line Diagram Graphics Settings button. Change the Upstream OCP Graphic / Type and Feeder ID Graphic / Type.
Do this setting before you insert the feeder and the whole thing will come in with the type you chose. It also will use that type if you redraw the feeder.
Do this setting after you insert the feeder and it will update just the OCP and ID segments. Use Revit to change the generic segments to the correct type. They will not change during the "Calculate" command.
Set separate scale for photometric caclulations
For site photometrics, some jurisdictions require certain spacing but also a drawing scale that is to large to accommodate the calc points and they end up overlapping. It would be convenient to set the photometric points to be 1/2 or 3/4 the scale of the rest of the text.
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Solar as option for Light fixture Volts
With solar being an option for more exterior light fixtures this option in the 'volts' section would be nice.
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Building and Rooms - Fixture type and Quantity
Have column(s) for light fixture type and quantity per room number. This will help in filling out some energy code forms that require quantities of specific fixtures per space.
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Printable switch group loads
When creating switch groups the only way to see the loads is to check each individual switch. It would be very useful to be able to print this in a table for easier reference rather than checking each individual switch.
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Export load data into CSV file for GLD
It would be great if you could create an export option for load profile excel csv file into GLD (Ground Loop Design) software. I'm told Trace 3D does not offer this feature, could give you a leg up...
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1 vote
Add parameter for upstream equipment fault value that includes motor
The only parameter I see for upstream fault is (DMETFaultFedFromFault). This is the upstream fault value from Utility, but does not include motor fault. Can a parameter be added that shows the total value including the motor fault of the upstream equipment?
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Add a parameter for AIC rating of breakers in database
Add the AIC rating of each breaker in the database for each voltage and then create a parameter that shows the AIC rating for the breaker. The AIC rating for the breakers would show different values base on the voltage selected.
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SPD and CT Cabinets on Single Line
For Single Lines, be able to add ancillary items to the single line such as SPD's (connected to panel schedule breaker).
Based on a parameter SPD (Yes/No) Perhaps you can automatically add a breaker in panel schedule and a symbol/notation on the single line family
Would be good to have a visible representation of a CT/meter on the single line families. I currently use a CT cabinets as a ElectroBim single line Panelboard and customize the tag.
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Add "OCP" parameter
In Instance Edit we have an MOCP parameter but no OCP parameter. More often than not in my experience, manufacturers list an OCP not an MOCP. The difference being an MOCP is a maximum rating, but you can use a smaller rating. An OCP listing means we have to use that size regardless of any other calculations.
My ask is that we get an OCP parameter, and if filled out or >0 the OCP Trip will be set to that number regardless of any other FLA/load/MOCP calculation method picked.2 votesThe "OCP Trip" field is what we currently have for setting the OCP size. You can set it to a sizing method or set it to a specific value.
We currently do not have a way to some times provide a value and if there is not one, fall back to a different sizing method.
Modify Motor OCP Trip calculations
I'm proposing modifications, or new options, to the OCP Trip calculation methods for motors.
Currently, if you have one of the options using FLA and/or MOCP, if those values are blank and all you have is a load, you won't get an accurately sized breaker.
I'm looking for a single universal calculation method, that can be used whether you have an FLA/MOCP or not.My thought on how that can work: if FLA is blank, use the Load to calculate an FLA and size the breaker based on that load per the selected calculation method.
Some background on why this…
4 votes -
Custom Parameter Push for Panel Edit and Circuit Edit
This dovetails with another topic about circuit comments. I would like to see a function where panel edit has maybe 2 or 3 custom user params that get pushed onto the one-line diagram symbols similar to the way the ratings are pushed in. Preferably this would be mappable onto shared parameters as implemented recently with many of the other parameters. This would allow us to tag owner required values like "previous panel name" or ratings that DM does not natively support like KW/KVA ratings of generators and UPSs.
Additionally, being able to have a couple custom parameters in circuit edit…
1 vote -
Add 15kV feeders / medium voltage feeders as an option for all calculations.
Add 15kV feeders / medium voltage feeders as an option for all feeder calculations. While not as common as 600V feeders, several projects do require medium voltage systems and calculations. Having to input these feeders as custom is time consuming
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Calculate feeder voltage drop base upon 80% of upstream breaker capacity
Add a line under voltage drop in the project options that says “Calculate feeder voltage drop base upon 80% of upstream breaker capacity”? In big warehouses we often have main lug only panels that the bussing is rated for more than the breaker feeding it because we need to increase the wire size for voltage drop. The panelboard needs to be larger so the increased wire size for voltage drop will fit the lugs of the panelboard.
2 votes -
Calculate Whole Project on Workshared Project
On large workshared projects, it's virtually impossible to find a single time in a 24-hour window where no one is working on the electrical model. This means someone always has ownership of something, and this prevents us from calculating the whole project. It would be nice if the tool could work around checked out elements and just make a note of which elements were not updated. Right now, we get errors about other users having ownership, and then all the changes appear to be rolled back.
7 votesOur next release has one feature: proper handling of worksharing. We hope to be ready to start testing next week.
Calculations will finish even if elements are checked out. Those won't be updated obviously but everything else will. We added new "Last Modified" parameter to everything too so you can keep track of how long it has been since a full calculation has been run.
Support UCS coordinate systems for Labels
On large campus jobs the ability to support UCSs is needed. Autodesk Parallels like Plant3D do not allow for backgrounds to have different rotations. Common coordinate system must be used.
Seems like an easy tweak to the software as the North Arrow frameworks you already have built should be able to support this.1 vote -
voltage drop
Would like to have the ability at instance edit or circuit edit to be able to select load or 80% of breaker for the calculation in lieu of only having overall project level option.
5 votes
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