Add "OCP" parameter
In Instance Edit we have an MOCP parameter but no OCP parameter. More often than not in my experience, manufacturers list an OCP not an MOCP. The difference being an MOCP is a maximum rating, but you can use a smaller rating. An OCP listing means we have to use that size regardless of any other calculations.
My ask is that we get an OCP parameter, and if filled out or >0 the OCP Trip will be set to that number regardless of any other FLA/load/MOCP calculation method picked.

The "OCP Trip" field is what we currently have for setting the OCP size. You can set it to a sizing method or set it to a specific value.
We currently do not have a way to some times provide a value and if there is not one, fall back to a different sizing method.
Jeff Balster commented
very important concept