Design Master Wish List
Welcome to the Design Master Wish List, where you can submit your ideas for improvements to the software.
364 results found
Net Occupiable Floor Area
Most codes determine ventilation air based on "Net Occupiable Area" and not the actual room area. It would be nice to have a feature added that would allow for the net occupiable area be added at the room dialogue level (either by inputting the value or setting it as a percent of the room area) and be utilized in calculating the ventilation air.
2 votes -
Set default "Feeder length calculation method" to "Custom"
Be able to set the default "Feeder length calculation method" to "Custom".
0 votes -
Change default panel "Mounting"
Be able to set a different default value for the "Mounting" setting for panels and other distribution equipment.
0 votes -
Automatically generate one-line diagram in Revit based on distribution system.
Automation is a must! It's all about efficiency to allow more time to focus on aesthetics and functionality, the things that really matter to clients.
I would not see this as a reverse workflow. Many times I will place panels in the model prior to drafting a one-line.
6 votesWe're halfway there on this feature. DM Electrical RT 2.1.2 added support for generating a one-line. We still need to add the ability to generate a riser to be able to mark this request complete.
Ability to add multiple set of conductor in a single conduit
For 400A feeder:
(2) 3"C, 3-250kcmil AL, 250kcmil AL N, #1 AL G
(1) 4"C, 6-400kcmil AL, 2-400kcmil AL N, #1 AL GInstead of each set take (1) conduit, would be good to get multiple set into a single conduit. This is mainly because installing (1) 4" conduit is cheaper than (2) 3" conduits.
1 vote -
Single Line-to-Ground Faults
Calculate single line-to-ground faults (NEC 230.95).
1 vote -
Adjust Transformer Taps
Be able to adjust transformer taps to take care of voltage drop.
1 vote -
It will be good to add duct size(width&Height or diameter) in "Duct pressure drop report" of HVAC.
I've been using HVAC program to confirm weather other designers designed well or not, give an options to change his or her design and report these. So, it is essential to show which part's shall be changed in report. Fortunately, "duct length" can be included by checking option box.
1 vote -
Integrate functionality of DM into AutoCAD Electrical
This add-on would be great in AutoCAD Electrical, where each device that is added by DM would be smart components within AutoCAD Electrical.
2 votes -
DC arc flash
Incorporate DC Arc Flash calculations. A lot of design work now has an element of renewable energy devices - solar, wind, etc. And many of those have battery 'peak shaving' capability. Being able to calculate both AC and DC arc flash given the electrical model will provide a one-stop-shop for arc flash. I would not rely so heavily on SKM. Thanks!
2 votes -
Importing panel schedules from previous projects
We do a lot of repeat projects for clients and it would be nice to be able to import panel schedules (including circuiting and loading) from previous projects into a new project. These loads could be converted to fixed loads since the two projects would use different databases. This way we could better keep track of circuiting/loads and when the latter project are completed, the panel schedules would be more accurate.
3 votes -
I would like to be able to select a circuit number and highlight a device and draw a homerun, i.e. dedicated circuits, equipment, etc.
This would avoid the more cumbersome 2 step process
1. circuit device
2. draw homerunDepending on the job there are can be lots of dedicated circuits and/or pieces of equipment...
1 vote -
Cut and paste devices between drawings and keep circuited
When cutting devices from one drawing file to another that is in the same DM database it will keep the devices circuited.
2 votes -
1 vote
Here’s the best workaround with the current features that exist in the software:
Set the default to the option you will use on most panels in the project.
In the other panels, change the circuit description to the other value. Then use the “Move Circuits” command. Use the “Copy” button in that dialog to copy the description to the other circuits. When you copy, the selected circuit will increment down one each time. You can press the button multiple times to fill in multiple circuits.
Fan coils and splits that are electrically fed via heat pump.
It would be nice if we could define a heat pump as a piece of equipment but have a second piece of equipment like a ductless split or fan coil either as a secondary part of that equipment that can be placed on a separate drawing (or a different part of the same drawing) or if we could link them in some way. The goal would be that once you circuit the heat pump, the same circuit would automatically be assigned to the fan coil which may or may not have an additional load. Then when drawing a homerun from…
2 votes -
Design Master HVAC Revit
Provide a way to run loads and layout Ductwork and Air terminals within Revit?
1 vote -
Add a 'Find All Circuits on Drawing' command similar to the 'Find Circuit on Drawing'
This command would be invoked from the panel circuiting dialog box, and would highlight all circuits fed from a particular panel.
1 vote -
Customization of circuiting callouts
In circuiting callouts, allow the dash to be replaced by a custom string.
Example: Default circuiting callout is L1A-1,3,5. Allow us to make it say L1A: 1,3,5 or L1A CKT 1,3,5.
8 votes -
"Match Room Properties" for Load Calculations
When doing room definitions for load calculations there are some properties that pertain to many or all other rooms in the building like "ceiling height" and the "roof properties."
I think it would be useful to have a command like match wall properties for the room properties so I can set up the roof (which almost always applies to the whole building), ceiling height, ventilation requirements, etc. and copy from one room to any others that have the same properties.
2 votes -
Make duct centerlines independent of DIMSCALE
When working at a smaller scale (ie. 1/8th"), make it so the duct center lines always appear the same size. The duct center lines are drafting tools only and do not appear on the drawing therefore having them adjust with the DIMSCALE is not neccesary. When the DIMSCALE is changed to 96 or higher, drafting in tight spaces can be difficult when the duct centerlines are large because the arrows are too large to work with and tend to overlap others.
1 vote
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