Draw Circuit Loops Using Polylines instead of Arcs
When you loop from one device to another, be able to select that loop and break it in to two loops that can each individually be moved or broke. This way we can have "S" loops.
DM Note: When we implement this, it will probably be by allowing you to insert a loop using a pline. This will allow you to insert the loop however you want without any restrictions.

Andrew Beck commented
DesignMaster currently loops devices using arcs. We'd like an option to change looping from using arcs to use polylines (we differentiate between MC cable and conduits with arcs and polylines, respectively). Ideally these polylines would offset themselves similar to how feeder polylines are offset during one-line generation.
Anonymous commented
If this feature already exists please direct me to it and it will get abused by me literally!!
Anonymous commented
When wiring I have more often than not had to manually loop my devices for a better looking presentation but the only problem is that the wires loose their intelligence and become as regular polylines. I would like to see an intelligent manual line which auto breaks and shows the tick marks just like the auto looping feature does please.
Anonymous commented
This would be awesome!! I have lots of instances where I really need to just draw a straight line with radiuses at the corners for the sake of keeping my work very clean looking.
rpennell commented
We do a lot of low voltage design, and when we circuit on the drawings, the only option for circuiting is a loop. With multiple low voltage systems on one drawing (door locks, intercoms, CCTV, access control, RFID, duress alarms, paging, etc.), looped circuiting looks messy and can be confusing. It would be nice to have other types of circuiting available that is more linear.
Bryant commented
@Solomon. That is a nice idea and shows how easy it should be to create this feature. It reminds me of the one-line where you can add a break point in the middle or end. When you select the added loop, you can see there is multiple movable points, so why not make one of those points a dummy switch and allow us to move it or add another one if needed?
Solomon Williams commented
There is a simple workaround for this. Make a switch that is simply a donut on the defpoints layer. Add this switch into your drawing where you want to loop to change direction, delete the loop and manually add loops from device A to the donut to device B. You have to manually move the individual loops around so they are tangential at the donut, but this works pretty well.