Swap & Copy Circuits
When copying circuits in the swap and copy dialog, multipole breakers do not copy to the new location as multipole breakers, they copy as single pole. It appears that you have to set the number of poles and their positions in the circuiting dialog before starting the copy/swap routine.

When we implement this, we would also update the "Copy Circuit" button to adjust the circuit we copy to so it has the same number of poles as the original circuit.
donw commented
Okay, I added my vote, just because I've tried to copy a multi-pole circuit and found I needed to do an extra step. It should be smart enough to do that for me.
Bryant commented
OK, that is crazy... I always thought that meant to "insert a circuit" as in you want to circuit something. Never saw it as adding a space maybe insert space would have been clearer to me; will have to try that next time. Maybe I should change my statement and ask now for a "delete space". As I just tried it and the only way I could get that space to go away was to do a compress circuit, which moved all my circuit up. I usually use the bottom circuit for my surge protective device and when I do compress circuit it moves it up. Would much rather just delete the space that I want to delete.
Above the list of circuits, there is an "Insert Circuit" button for exactly the situation you are describing. This button is also available on the "Circuiting" dialog.
Bryant commented
That would be a nice feature, but right now it is only an invconvenience. I am suprised nobody has added the insert feature request. Nothing worse than having the need to insert a two pole breaker in space 2,4 when the only space I have is in 38,40 and I want to keep the largest pole on top and work my way down to single poles at the bottom.
The "Change # of Poles" button in the "Swap and Copy Circuits" dialog is there to assist with getting the number of poles set right. Including that button was easier than figuring out if breakers with a different number of poles could be swapped.
Of course, if there's enough interest in this feature, we could add functionality to handle this automatically.