Subfeed breakers
Add specific support for subfeed breakers.
Be able to set the number of subfeed breakers on a panel (similar to how the number of poles is currently set on a panel).
Have the panel schedule update to document which breakers are subfeed. We likely would add a separator block between the branch circuit and subfeed breakers that you could customize. The default block would have a line across the schedule plus some text indicating branch circuit breakers above and subfeed below. You could then modify that as desired for your documentation purposes.

Bryant commented
Please address a subfeed breaker that might take 4 or 6 circuit locations on the 42 circuit panel. This could be a sub-feed breaker or a feed-thru lug using that space.
donw commented
I work around it by using subfeed lugs and then manually drawing a breaker at the lugs.
Add a feature to handle subfeed breakers on panels.
Currently, the workaround is to add additional poles to your panel and use those for the subfeed and mark the ones on the other side as unusable.