Design Master Wish List
Welcome to the Design Master Wish List, where you can submit your ideas for improvements to the software.
97 results found
Edit Multiple on "Feeder Phase" Command
I'd like to be able to modify the graphics of multiple single-line objects at the same time. The issue with the current set-up is when I'm modeling existing single-line diagrams, which is very often, for every feeder segment I have to individually select them, click Modify Graphic, and select the "Light Solid" option which we've made gray to use for existing. I have to repeat this for every existing feeder and breaker on the diagram. This is incredibly time consuming for large projects. Sometimes taking a whole day just to update the single-line graphics to show properly for existing vs…
3 votesThis feature would be implemented by updating the "Feeder Phase" command to allow you to select multiple feeders at once.
Workarounds #1 for feeders:
Use the "Feeder Phase" command. It will change all the segments of a feeder for you. It does still require you to run the command for each individual feeder.
Workaround #2 for feeders:
Use the Panel Edit command, Single-Line Diagram Graphics Settings button. Change the Upstream OCP Graphic / Type and Feeder ID Graphic / Type.
Do this setting before you insert the feeder and the whole thing will come in with the type you chose. It also will use that type if you redraw the feeder.
Do this setting after you insert the feeder and it will update just the OCP and ID segments. Use Revit to change the generic segments to the correct type. They will not change during the "Calculate" command.
Add parameter for upstream equipment fault value that includes motor
The only parameter I see for upstream fault is (DMETFaultFedFromFault). This is the upstream fault value from Utility, but does not include motor fault. Can a parameter be added that shows the total value including the motor fault of the upstream equipment?
1 vote -
Circuit Comments
Add comments to circuits in the Circuit Edit command. Transfer the comment value to the circuit and to the devices connected to the circuit.
This feature would allow additional information from a circuit to be scheduled on the devices. It would be similar to how DM currently pushes the breaker size to from the circuit to the device that can then be used in equipment schedules.
6 votes -
Save manual tick mark settings per user, not per project
Save the tick mark settings in the "Insert Tick Mark" command per user, not per project.
Currently the settings are saved per project. If multiple people are using the command in a project, their settings overwrite each other. If a single person goes to different projects, their settings are not remembered.
2 votes -
Add capability to adjust Target Conduit fill at Panel Level and in options + Warning when exceeded
Sometimes I prefer to over-size conduit for various reasons. However, if this is done manually at the panel level and then the feeder / ampacity changes, its very easy to have a feeder that exceeds 40% fill. Proving an option to adjust the maximum fill from 40% would allow the user to over-size conduits without manually selecting a size.
Also, adding an alert that warns you when a feeder exceeds 40% (Similar to the panel threshold warning) would be a great add.
1 vote -
Prompt to Load DM
Add a prompt before loading any DM information into a project. Would be useful when you do NOT want DM loaded in a specific Revit project.
At the project level, would save your response so that you are only prompted once.
At the user level, would have an option to disable the prompt so DM is automatically loaded in all projects like it currently is for customers who prefer that workflow.
0 votes -
People in Room Setting
Add an option to input people in a room using "People / 1000 sf" as the unit. Currently you can input people using "SF / Person" which requires a conversion from the numbers provided by some codes.
1 vote -
Panel Edit - AIC Rating to include Size Automatically Option
It would be nice to have Electrical DM Panel Edit to have an option for Fault Current - AIC Rating to include "Size Automatically" option, on top of the standard AIC ratings DM provides in the drop down option.
3 votesThis request wouldn't be hard, but it is one we've specifically avoided to this point. Our thinking is that the AIC rating of a panel is an important enough setting that we want it reviewed and set intentionally by the engineer.
Upsize wire based on circuit length
Upsize the wire based on voltage and length. Example is we often have a note to use #10's for 120V 20A circuit greater than 100ft in length and 277V 210A circuit greater than 150ft in length.
3 votes -
Size ground and isolated ground separately
Add an option to the isolated ground to size it to a specific value. Currently it is an on/off toggle and sized to match the ground wire.
1 vote -
Selective Coordination Graph: Fault Options
The fault labels are currently displayed automatically at the top of the selective coordination graphs.
Add an option to display the fault at the top (current functionality), at the bottom (current label would move to the top of the graph), or remove them.
1 vote -
Selective Coordination Graph: Set minimum time
Be able to set the minimum time for selective coordination graphs. Currently it is fixed at 0.01. We could add an option to set it at 0.1 or 0.01. Or add an option to set it at a specific value.
We are leaning toward implementing it as a 0.1 or 0.01 option. If you would like it as a custom value, indicate that in the comments.
1 vote -
Arc-Flash Stickers based on NEC 110.16(B)
Create arc-flash stickers based on NEC 110.16(B). These stickers are much simpler than what are required by NFPA 70E.
0 votes -
Option to not round GRD CFM
DM currently rounds CFM's of GRD's to nearest 5 CFM. I request an option to not have any rounding applied.
1 vote -
Change default circuit callout
Add an option for the default circuit callout inserted on the drawing when connecting a device to a panel. Currently it always lists the full circuit callout of panel name and circuit number (P-1).
1 voteThe solution in the current software is to circuit the device then use the “Modify Circuit Label” command to change the callout.
Grounding Electrode Conductor for Transformers
Size and label the grounding electrode conductor (GEC) for transformers based on NEC 250.66.
5 votes -
Homerun Wire Callout Option
Add an option for homerun callouts to not display anything for #12 wires and to display tick marks and the full wire callout for anything else.
Currently there are a few options that are close but nothing that has exactly these groupings of tick marks and wire callouts.
0 votes -
Match Runout size to GRD Neck Size Automatically (without running CALC)
Would you please consider an option to size the runout the same as the diffuser connection, without having to use the CALC function? That feature would be a big timesaver!
2 votes -
Customize Parallel Run Labeling
Add customization options for how multiple parallel runs are labeled for wires.
DM currently labels multiple sets with the number of sets in parenthesis before the full wire callout:
(3) 3-1/2"C, 4-600kcmil, 3/0G
If you are interested this feature, indicate in the comments how you would like the multiple runs labeled.
2 votes -
Set default "Feeder length calculation method" to "Custom"
Be able to set the default "Feeder length calculation method" to "Custom".
0 votes
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