Use correct fittings
The pressure drop calcs indicate the wrong fitting types in some cases. For example, a fitting that begins with "SD" stands for "Supply/Diameter" and "SR" stands for "Supply/Rectangular", etc. If you have a duct system that is all rectangular, there should not be any SD fittings indicated. Likewise for round systems, there should not be any SR fittings indicated.

To clarify for anyone else reading this, DM HVAC does calculate the pressure drop using the correct fittings. However, for some fitting, the round and rectangular tables are the same. When we implemented the calcs, if the tables were the same, we just used one. At the time, we did not directly display which table was being used, so there was no need to differentiate.
The ability to list the fittings was added later, and we didn't realize the importance of listing the specific correct table name. At some point, we'll go back, figure out which tables are duplicates, and get the proper names in the schedule.
Fixing this will only affect the names in the schedule. The actual calculated values will be exactly the same as they are right now.