Different layer systems for different loops and tick marks on a circuit
We can assign layers based on one-line (panel) or circuit or devices however not all parts of circuit are on the same layer. I may run some in the slab and some in the walls. Having the ability toi use the manual loop tool to change the layer system would be helpful. Also having the ability to assign a device to multiple layers would be helpful as well.
Or have some of the loops new and some existing.

Andrew Beck commented
To add to this: we'd like a separate circuit callout and homerun callout layer. Since the looping options apply to all device types, we are unable to show homerun + circuit callouts for receptacles while only showing homeruns for lighting. Having separate layers for homerun and circuit callouts would address this.
I merged another idea with this one.
This was the description from the other idea: The layers for homeruns and loops are set at the circuit. There is no way right now to set a different layer for different parts of the circuit that are underground and above ground. It is all or nothing.
Bryant commented
For circuiting it is all or nothing on the layer systems. This causes a problem when you have an existing circuit with all the equipment on a 252 color layer and then you want to add to that circuit with new devices. The circuit loops and labels will all be at 252 even though the fixtures are on the new layer. Also there are times when you want the loops to go from solid to dashed representing underground.