Homerun from non-circuited devices
We'd like an option to manually homerun from devices that lack a circuit. For example, we frequently connect switched receptacles to relays controlled by occupancy sensors, so we'd like to show our homeruns to start at that relay as opposed to a receptacle. We also currently show lighting homeruns commencing at relays for the same reason.
We'd still like to be able to select devices whose circuits we want to include in the homerun.

Solomon Williams commented
We do this all the time, and we've made a switch device that represents a relay. Switches can be circuited and you can initiate homeruns from them. We use these for lighting control panel relays as well as relays for switched receptacles.
Bryant commented
I really like this as right now I have to create a dummy switch for some situations. Another thing I did was create a switch that was actually a dynamic block that looked like a home run. To add to this many times we need to install a junction box or hand hole somewhere and we only want to install an empty conduit back to a future fixture that we just label "Future Lighting". I would like to be able to circuit that switch or junction box and put a load in the circuit to account for the future item. In the circuit I would put a 20A breaker and no conductors and a 1" conduit. I would like to be able to run a homerun back from the junction box and when DM sees no conductor, but a conduit it would put that conduit info on the homerun in addition to the circuit. Surely every electrical designer has this issue all the time for new construction. DM won't let you homerun junction boxes nor will it let you do just a conduit.