Import Time Current Curves
The ability to save and import a time current curve to be used in the arc flash calculations and to overlay the curves on a graph. Preferably to save these curves into a master database to have the ability to use the same curve on multiple projects
This is implemented for DM Electrical 8.3.
You are able to associate a file with the panel and easily view it while entering your arc-flash values.
You can’t do anything more involved that displaying the file for now. You are still responsible for interpreting the file and determining the arcing times based upon the calculated arcing current.
Bryant commented
Just did my first arc flash with designmaster and inserted a schedule for the electrician/owner. The one items that I need to do outside of DM was get the TC curve for each breaker and based on your 100% and 80% current caluculations find the worse case time to trip. But the time to trip is based on the trip settings of the breaker. So unless the contractor know this, the arc flash schedule is worthless. If I have to supply the trip settings from a program such as SKM then I might as well use SKM for the arc flash study. I believe the solution is that you need to find a way in the arc flash schedule to add a breaker setting field. I would then enter something like ltr=5, str=8, Ltr=1000 or Trip Unit=STR54U. Anything to help make sure we aren't just printing schedules based on something that isn't true.