SKM Power Tools
Provide the ability to import and export panel schedules and switchboard schedules between Design Master and SKM PowerTools for Windows.

We don't need any samples quite yet. If we decide to implement this feature, we'll get in touch with you to get them.
Tim Linenbrink commented
Yes, the import and export via comma delimited text files. I can get you samples if you like.
Thanks for the additional information. That makes sense. Do you know what kind of import functionality SKM provides?
Tim Linenbrink commented
I think it would be a tall order to add all of the SKM Power Tools functionality to Design Master My request is not because SKM manipulates schedules better than DM, infact it does not. Many industrial facilities use SKM to maintain the model and analysis their distribution system do they can do arc-flash labeling, damand and harmonic analysis. It would be a benefit to be able to roll the schedules from a design package into an analysis package rather than have to re-key all the loads from every panel schedule.
What does SKM allow you to do with your schedules that DM does not? (While we might add an import/export feature, it is more likely we'll just add the missing functionality from SKM to our software.)