Custom Parameter Push for Panel Edit and Circuit Edit
This dovetails with another topic about circuit comments. I would like to see a function where panel edit has maybe 2 or 3 custom user params that get pushed onto the one-line diagram symbols similar to the way the ratings are pushed in. Preferably this would be mappable onto shared parameters as implemented recently with many of the other parameters. This would allow us to tag owner required values like "previous panel name" or ratings that DM does not natively support like KW/KVA ratings of generators and UPSs.
Additionally, being able to have a couple custom parameters in circuit edit that are able to be pushed onto the families connected in that branch circuit would be equally useful for identifying things like MCC bucket IDs or lighting relay panel control zones.
I'd like to avoid dumb text notes on one-lines and manual data alignment efforts as much as possible and this would provide that natively and in a robust manner without the need for tools like dynamo to lookup, copy, lookup match, and paste the data.